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  • 2 lbs Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Sliced
  • 3 cup Broccoli Chopped
  • 11/2 cup Red Bell Peppers Chopped
  • 11/2 cup Yellow Bell Pepper Chopped
  • 1/2 cup Light Lime Vinaigrette Dressing
  • 2 tsp Onion Powder
  • 1 tsp Garlic and Herb Seasoning Blend
  • 1/2 oz Pine Nuts
  • 1 can Light Cooking Spray
  • 1
  • 1
    Healthy Fat
  • 3
  • 3


  1. Coat chicken breast (sliced into strips) with salad dressing. Sprinkle seasoning blend and onion powder on chicken strips. Let the strips marinate for at least 30 minutes. (1 to 2 hours preferred)
  2. While chicken is marinating, saute peppers and broccoli in a large, lightly-coated saute pan until al dente (tender-crisp). When cooking peppers, frequently add a little water so peppers do not burn. Set sauteed peppers and broccoli aside.
  3. Add chicken to a pan, and cook until no longer pink.
  4. Meanwhile, place pine nuts on a tray in (Toaster Oven or Oven) and toast until brown.
  5. When chicken is done, add peppers, broccoli, and pine nuts, and serve immediately.

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