What is the 5 in 1 Plan?




The 5 in 1 Plan is an eating plan and weight loss program that works to put your body into a great nutrient-rich environment to help you have energy but also puts you into a calorie deficit so you lose weight quickly but healthily to achieve your optimal weight.

While on the plan you can expect to lose anywhere between 12-20 a month. While you are on the plan you will eat every 2-3 hours; 5 of the meals will be fuelings accompanied by 1 lean and green meal a day. Your initial order will consist of 22 boxes which will be enough to get you through the entire month!

As you embark on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle and effective weight management, it's valuable to consider the tools available to support you. Many individuals have found Lasta Fasting, an innovative intermittent fasting app, to be a helpful companion in their quest for sustainable weight loss. This app not only assists in shedding excess pounds but also offers essential meal planning features and a fasting tracker to guide you on your journey. If you're ready to take control of your health and wellness - start the quiz here. Lasta Fasting can be seamlessly integrated into your efforts, much like the 5 in 1 Plan. With Lasta Fasting and the 5 in 1 Plan, you can harness technology and expert guidance to simplify and enhance your weight loss journey.

5 in 1 Plan Fuelings

Each fueling is comprised of 24 vitamins and minerals, 11 grams of protein, 14 carbs, 3 grams of fat, and 6 grams of sugar. Plus, all of your needed daily probiotics are in the foods! Each of your 5 daily fuelings is comprised of about about 100-110 calories per meal and they're packed full of your essential Vitamins A-E.  No GMOs, no artificial sweeteners and there are numerous gluten free options.

5 in 1 Plan Meals

The lean and green meal, like the many you will find here, is one you prepare yourself each day. These meals will consist of 5-7 ounces of cooked lean protein, lean skinless meat, grilled or baked and then coupled with 2-3 servings of non-starchy greens or veggies. All lean protein portions and options will be provided in the 5 and 1 guide with the plan when delivered.  The lean and green meal is the only thing you have to get outside of the box of foods. One thing to consider here is that you'll likely need smaller quantities than you purchased in the past because 1 you'll only be eating 1 lean and green meal per day and 2 you're eating a much smaller portion that you likely did in the past. Keep that in mind as you do your grocery shopping each week. I liked the program so much I literally built this website to make it easy for others to find great lean and green recipes and lean and green meals.

The plan is that simple; you eat all 5 of the daily fueling servings and your one lean and green meal; couple that with 64 ounces of water (if you can) and effort to get 6-8 hours of sleep. Your kit will include a guide that will give you the proper meats, greens, healthy fats, healthy snacks, and condiments that are approved and in the right amounts. If you still have questions, I'm happy to provide a full list of condiments when you're ready to make the leap. Another handy tool included in your kit is a dining-out guide; the guide is useful when you are out at restaurants with family and friends so you know what to order. 

If you're serious and want to get started, send me a text, and we can work to get your order placed together. Once you've placed your first order, your subsequent orders will re-ship every month until you decide to stop your orders. These additional orders are automatically shipped, but you can cancel anytime or push your date out to 60 days without any penalty if needed.  After about 3 weeks, we will want to revisit your results if you plan to continue the plan and then decide if you want to re-order and keep going on the optimal weight loss plan to get to the goal or transition if you're not already there. 

5 in 1 plan Before & After

I lost 40 pounds in about 10 weeks, was it easy, no but if you're motivated to get healthy, this optimal health program will change your life! Focus on whatever it is that's motivated you to want to lose weight and change your health.  Staying focused on your goal while on a rapid weight loss program will help you reach your goals and hit the targets faster. THE WHY is the most significant thing behind the WHAT! I can help you figure out the WHY when and if you decide to jump on, but it is a life changer, a lifesaver, and it works! The cost for the month's worth of meals is between $350-$425 depending upon what items you order, but I've found I'm saving money by not eating out regularly and having a much smaller portion for my lean and green than I was eating in the past.

Now, a couple of vital questions for me to know your goals. How much weight would you like to lose? What is your current height and age so I can check a healthy BMI range for you to get to? Then also, do you have any health issues regarding thyroid or diabetes? These help me know if the plan or another would be best as there are a couple of options. 

One important thing to note is during your initial 2-3 weeks of the plan, and there is no working out. I realize this might be a difficult change for some, but when you’re on the 5-in-1 plan, you will be in a constant calorie deficit. Additional workouts will require additional fuel, something your body can't sustain; however, once we get you to your goal, we can certainly work to bring exercise back in. That said, a brisk walk or light yoga during the weight loss phase is ok, but nothing that will raise your heart rate too high. If you want feedback from my personal experience, I'm happy to share that with you. 

If you feel it's vital that you continue to work out 3-5 times a week for 45 minutes with high intensity,  I would recommend that you do the 4.2.1 as opposed to the 5.1 plan, and that will give you the calorie intake you need for weight loss while working out. 

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